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S034 Arbitration Order 2009
S035 International Arbitration Order 2009
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Kartikey Mahajan
Nationality :
Country :
Language :
English and Hindi
Type of Panel :
Area of Expertise :
International arbitration matters (commercial, construction and investment treaty), private equity, energy (oil and gas, and renewable), infrastructure, construction, commodities, telecom, maritime and media industries.
Publications :
1. Co-edited a Thomson Reuters book on “Principles of Damages, Expert Evidence and Valuation in Commercial Disputes in India” (December 2023).
2. “Appeal on a point of law under section 69 of the Arbitration Act 1996: is there any reversal of trend?” (Practical Law Arbitration Blog, 3 September 2020).
3. “Partial award on advance deposits: what happens if there is a jurisdictional challenge?” (Practical Law Arbitration Blog, 30 August 2019).
4. “Tenability of Retrospective Taxation under Principle of Legitimate Expectations” (2018 (5) International Arbitration Law Review 137).
5. “Implications of Economic Sanctions on International Arbitration” (Practical Law Arb. Blog, 5 July 2018).
6. “LCIA’s changes to its tribunal secretary process” (Practical Law Arbitration Blog, 30 November 2017).
7. “Recognition of Summary Procedures under the ICC Rule” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 4 December 2017).
8. “Two Roads Diverged in a Clause – the Law of a Free-Standing Arbitration Agreement vs. the Law of an Arbitration Agreement that sits within a Main Contract” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, January 2017).
9. “Uncertainty of enforcement of emergency awards in India” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, Dec 2016).
10. “Can Two Indian Parties choose a foreign seat for arbitration?” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2016).
11. “Lessons for referring disputes to arbitration involving negotiable Instruments” (Kluw. Arb. Blog, Nov 2016).
12. “The Indian Supreme Court and its Public Policy Seesaw” (4 International Arbitration L. Review 63 (2015)).
13. “Arbitrability of Fraud in India” (81 (1) Arbitration 48 (2015)).
14. “DIFC as Host Jurisdiction for Domestic Awards outside DIFC” (2014 (4) Int’l Arb. Law Review N20-N22).
15. “Heralding a New Dawn for Arbitration in India” (2013 (79) Arbitration 28-36).
16. “Reference of Non-Signatories to Arbitration in Composite Transaction” (2013 (30) Journal of Int’l Arb. 48).